
Sunday, November 22, 2015

Still Hanging On... and Thanksgiving

Winter is here. Yesterday morning the landscape ground covers felt their first light blanket of frost. This morning's low is 31ยบ F,  and below freezing temperature is forecast for the upcoming week. 

Cedrus atlantica "Pendula" (weeping blue Atlas Cedar)
The wind and rain have come, and most of this is now history...


Cedrus atlantica "Pendula"

 ... but some of the foliage is still hanging on.

Acer palmatum 'Bloodgood' with birch in the background
A star of the November landscape_ Ginkgo biloba
beautiful copper of the Fagus sylvatica 'Tricolor'

Ginkgo biloba

We wish you a Happy Thanksgiving here in America, and for all those family and friends both here and abroad, be safe and be grateful_ thankful in all that is given