
Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Many Faces of Spring

What would spring be like without a reminder that we need to pay attention, that anything can happen this time of year?

With the yet cool nights, alternating rain and sun and increasing warmth of the days, the many faces of spring change almost on a daily basis.

The following photos are reflective of temperatures having ranged
from 30 degree evenings to a 78 degree day high, a return to the normal high 50's, to 70, and back again within just a several week span. The products of these fluctuations have produced many faces in the garden.

The hail occurred a few days ago.

Yet nature's palette is filled with vibrant colors and a variety of groundcovers and azaleas throughout the garden.

This afternoon the fragrance from this white Syringa vulgaris, common lilac, fills the evening air as we go for our evening walk in the garden.