
Sunday, June 17, 2007

Four Months Later, Transition

One of the many things that is exciting about the garden is not simply the anticipation, but the actual transformation from month to month, season to season and year over year. The garden appeared to be rather dormant four months ago, but today it is full of color, fragrance, movement and sounds.

In many ways the garden is reflective of our lives: what it was; the growth occurring beneath the soil, which may or may not be visible; forms yet to emerge; the transition and stages over time.

Yes, we think about and are mindful of yesterday and what will or may occur, but it seems to defeat the purpose of life if time is wasted by wishing it were something else... bigger, better, more beautiful or colorful, warmer, colder... Rather, we welcome the change and accept what is, here and now, and enjoy those moments as they occur. We find the beauty in all of it.

The garden is in constant flux: there are periods of calmness and rest; the underlying growth emerges; there is surprise in finding a flower we had not planted; each plant is extraordinarily distinct; life in the form of butterflies and hummingbirds returns; the blossom's bright coral color may fade to a pale pink. We welcome all those changes.