
Sunday, September 9, 2007


Persicaria orientale (aka Polygonum orientale) or the more delightful name of Kiss-Me-Over-The-Garden-Gate appears in our garden after having been absent for several years.

I have read that these were grown by Thomas Jefferson in his garden at Monticello. An annual and an old-fashioned heirloom seed, I thought it would be fun to have them as part of the English cottage style section of our garden, so I purchased a packet of seeds years ago.

They grew, self seeded, and then for several years only an occasional one would yield a tiny version. But this year they stand a proud 6 feet tall at the edge of the patio and path, a place where no one ever planted the seed, and we must bend as we go around this fun specimen in nature.

The brightly colored magenta catkins dangle and bounce freely with the breeze, nodding and arching and touching like two young lovers sneaking a kiss over-the-garden-gate.

It brings a smile and a sense of wonderment to consider what brought it to this place. And how could I say it cannot be here?