
Sunday, May 30, 2010

Memorial Day - Give Thanks

On this Memorial Day may we all remember and give thanks to those men and women who have sacrificed and risked their lives in the line of duty so that we may experience our freedom and remain safe. Those freedoms cannot be taken for granted and we must read and reread our great Constitution and not allow it to be taken from us.

To my family members who selflessly and nobly gave to this country - great uncle (WWI), uncle (Korean War), aunt (Korean War) - and currently, retired Navy cousin and retired Marine cousin, we say thank you for your service.

To the fallen who gave the ultimate sacrifice, and to those still serving, may we salute you with due respect. God Bless you all.

Friday, May 28, 2010

Sunset and Morning Moon

For beautiful skies from around the world be sure to
visit SkyWatch Friday .

Yesterday's sunset

the morning moon

"When I admire the wonder of a sunset
or the beauty of the moon,
my soul expands in worship of the Creator"

~ Mahatma Gandhi

Thursday, May 20, 2010

SkyWatch Rainbows

Yesterday's high winds and rain
yielded to today's alternating driving rainstorms, hail,
black skies, double rainbows and sunshine.
Drama extraordinaire!

Be sure to visit SkyWatch Friday for beautiful skies from around the world.

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Yesterday's Garden Harvest

Our perfect 70 degree days of last week have turned into a high of 57° F currently, and as I write, we are experiencing rain and high winds from the southwest: 24 mph and gusting to 37 mph. The good news is I harvested 10.15 pounds of produce from the vegetable garden yesterday.

6.12 lbs Salad Greens * (combination Tatsoi, Mizuna, Red Russian Kale)
0.25 lb Asparagus
1.5 lbs New Red Fire Lettuce
Radishes (7)
0.75 lb Radish leaves
1.53 lbs Choy Sum

Note: * Content of Burpee's Signature Mild Mesclun Gourmet Mix that I planted in early spring has not one of the greens listed on the package, but rather the above mix of salad greens. Nearly 2 1/2 pounds of the harvest was Tatsoi, and since there is so much of it, I think I may saute a bit and delight in the error of Burpee. What is the saying? Life gives you lemons... make lemonade.

A walk about the garden shows the Marionberry blossoms doing well.

Cabbage, cauliflower, and broccoli are coming along nicely.


Thursday, May 13, 2010

Our Garden Helpers

The garden is so alive and beautiful as I write: the early morning light brushes the landscape awake, and the birds sing their chorus proudly, and not just now, but every day and from daybreak to sunset. The birds are indeed more plentiful and varied than previous years, and at every shrub or tree they speak their voice. At times I feel as though I'm at a tennis match as they whiz back and forth as has just occurred: a pair of Varied Thrush were outside my window, but I was unable to react quickly enough.

The bad news is that I did something to my back nearly a week ago and am unable to bend over or sit for very long. The good news is I saw the doctor yesterday, he prescribed medication to relieve the pain, and I discovered I could recline and edit photos at the same time. (wink) Enjoy your week and these wonderful garden helpers:

Dark-eyed "Oregon" Junco, wrens, Chickadee, garden snake, Skilton or Western Skinks fighting, another lizard, Goldfinch, House Finch, Northern Flicker, Red-breasted Sapsucker, Spotted Towhee, and the House wrens have taken over the new Bluebird house, where no bluebird has come; Black-headed Grosbeak, immature Western Tanager, Western Tailed-Blue (Echo Blue), Western Tiger Swallowtail...

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Mother's Day

To my mother, Rose

Beautiful and glorious is this Sunday morn!
In the coolness of the fragrant garden

so colorful and alive

an early walk along the paths

we strolled together when last you came,

and still I hear your voice.
So many years have passed

yet on this day I weep
as I miss you so
But I rejoice!

for within me lies your love and undying spirit

Nothing can replace that mother's love. ~ Diana

"When you are sorrowful look again in your heart, and you shall see that in truth you are weeping for that which has been your delight. " ~ Kahlil Gibran

To my children: "A Mother holds her children's hands for a while...their hearts forever” (author unknown)

I honor and celebrate this day. To all of you I share a message sent to me from a very dear friend:
"From one mother to another. Much love on Mother's Day."

Monday, May 3, 2010

A Lilacs View

Storm clouds threaten from the south

A lilacs view to the west

Saturday, May 1, 2010

Chinese Tree Peony, Paeonia suffruticosa

We decided to go to the coast this past week: pack up our camper and head into the wind and rain, and boy did it, but that for another post.

Before we departed Tuesday, I took some photos of blossoms in the garden, a few of the rhododendrons

but especially the Chinese Tree Peonies (Paeonia suffruticosa), for it is this time of year when these exquisite blossoms regale into dinner plate-sized grandeur and that wind and rain generally follow. (pictured P. suffruticosa 'Yagumo')

The 4-5 foot upright woody shrubs do very well in our garden: deep, well prepared soil and good drainage, full sun or part shade, and in the early spring they appreciate a little bone meal (high in phosphorus) worked into the soil.

The blossoms are so heavy they generally require staking. Following their amazing display, I'll cut many back to stronger growing wood. They offer years of enjoyment and with little care.