
Saturday, May 1, 2010

Chinese Tree Peony, Paeonia suffruticosa

We decided to go to the coast this past week: pack up our camper and head into the wind and rain, and boy did it, but that for another post.

Before we departed Tuesday, I took some photos of blossoms in the garden, a few of the rhododendrons

but especially the Chinese Tree Peonies (Paeonia suffruticosa), for it is this time of year when these exquisite blossoms regale into dinner plate-sized grandeur and that wind and rain generally follow. (pictured P. suffruticosa 'Yagumo')

The 4-5 foot upright woody shrubs do very well in our garden: deep, well prepared soil and good drainage, full sun or part shade, and in the early spring they appreciate a little bone meal (high in phosphorus) worked into the soil.

The blossoms are so heavy they generally require staking. Following their amazing display, I'll cut many back to stronger growing wood. They offer years of enjoyment and with little care.