
Monday, April 11, 2011

Vegetables and Blossoms

We have been overrun, so it is time... out the door you go.

Yesterday found us transporting these to the hoop house and already having to re-pot some of them. We are hopeful that the last frost date is not far away and that we will soon experience some warmer temperatures. Although yesterday was only 55 degrees F, the inside of the greenhouse was 89.

No, I'm not planting all these tomatoes in the garden. It seems my list of family and friends who would like just one or two of my tomato plants has grown. I may have to scale back next year. Currently it seems that everything needs attention. I don't know about you, but we seem to run out of day. Roses and evergreens still need fed; some remaining ornamental grasses have not received their haircuts; there is raking yet to do; weeds shamelessly propagate; and the vegetable garden appears to have a life of its own during these early stages of growth. And may the slugs be damned!

Gratefully we have enjoyed 3 harvests in the past 6 weeks from the hoop house, totaling nearly 9 pounds of greens: spinach, kale, mizuna, tatsoi, various lettuce blends... and just this weekend all 3 of the Shanghai Bok Choy were harvested along with the others shown below.

Spring is here for the blossoms and fragrance tell us so.
Some have begun to fade, but we have the promise of new life at each turn.

Rock Cress (Aubrieta deltoidea) encircles an Irish juniper (Juniperus communis)

Rhododendron 'PJM' in full blooming regalia

americanum (fawn lily/trout lily/dogtooth lily) wild on the hillside

Allen's Humingbird imbibes of the nectar from wild Red-flowering Currant (Ribes sanguineum)

The Purple Finch enjoys some repast