After several years of anticipation, our Italian plum tree finally yielded one pound of fruit this year_ not enough to do much cooking, but happy to see it producing. Quite fortunate for us was that our neighbor's trees were overloaded with plums, and we were invited to help ourselves.
Italian plums | | | |
Dry them, freeze some, but thoughts were mainly of creating a plum sauce
that might lend itself well with a roasted pork tenderloin. Holidays
will soon be approaching and I envision this in the center of the dinner
table. Chicken or fish would also be a good companion.
Plum Sauce from
Diana's kitchen
pounds plums, washed, halved, pitted (and chopped)
medium onion, chopped (1 cup)
cup cider vinegar
½ cups brown sugar
TB fresh ginger, minced
½ teaspoon salt
TB finely chopped jalapeno or similar hot chili pepper
garlic cloves, minced
TB soy sauce
Chop plums in a
food processor and transfer to a large heavy-bottomed pot. Chop
onions in processor and add them to the plums, along with all
remaining ingredients. Bring it to a boil, reduce heat and simmer for
1 ½ to 2 hours until reduced by about one-third and/or reaches the
desired thickness. Stir the mixture often to avoid it sticking to
the bottom.
Ladle the sauce
into hot, sterilized jars, leaving ½ inch head space. Adjust lids
and rings and process 20 minutes in a hot water bath. Remove the jars
of plum sauce from the water and place away from any draft; cover them
gently with a clean towel until completely cool. Check to make sure
all jars are sealed. Yield: 8 (8 ounce) jelly jars
Since it takes time to cook this down, I suggest doubling the recipe
for your effort. I am pleased I did.