... give me your best ever. That’s right, the BEST FRAME YOU HAVE EVER CREATED. Your favorite. The one that means the most to you, that conveys what skill you had to bring to bear at its creation and now as you ascertain what it expresses... garden or plant related... The image itself has to stand on its own.
After reviewing years of photographs, I finally narrowed the selection: there were individual blossoms with raindrops and/or bees, birds, and several landscape photos from our garden, whereby a particular mood was captured. The following is one of the images to which I kept returning, the one that still causes me to linger even after having taken it several years ago.
As the morning fog begins to lift from the earth's surface and reveals this fall canvas of color, I am there. It is still one of my favourite images: a composition that also represents an accomplishment of our work over the past 17 years, an open field transformed.
28 June 2010 Update:
I am quite excited about being a Silver Winner for the above photo and relative to this wanted to add Joshua McCullough’s comments:
Diana at Voice in the Garden places highly with a broad and complex landscape. I find the more elements competing for attention in an image the more difficult it is to pull off and this is quite simply well done. The statue and clipped hedge complete the foreground with balance

Thank you Joshua and GGW Picture This Winners for June.