…is this not one of the prettiest works of nature that you have ever seen? Wow! How can you look at that color, a bounty of the finest, and not be overwhelmed and thankful? Freshly picked today, our small vegetable garden is offering this kind of reward on nearly a daily basis. Whole Foods or Wild Oats has nothing on us! You want organic? This is organic.
According to thefreedictionary.com, “organic” is “…of, marked by, or involving the use of fertilizers or pesticides that are strictly of animal or vegetable origin: organic vegetables; an organic farm”.
I am very much in favor of things being natural, grown in a safe environment. We were raised on a small farm with my grandparents, and although we were not aware of the terminology, by golly, they were original organic farmers! Manure was spread and worked into the soil in order to fertilize the vegetable garden. Any foliage or vegetable trimmings went into a mulch pile which would then be turned back into the soil. Milk came from the goats that grazed in the fields. There were no fertilizers or pesticides other than what Mother Nature provided.
And today, well actually yesterday, my husband and I prepared fresh beets, grilled squash, zucchini, and eggplant, a few tomatoes and a small amount of cottage cheese, organic of course, a nice Pinot Noir, organic, and that my friends was a fine dinner. Once a farmer... guess it remains in one's soul.