Recently discovered are writings by Kent Thune ( which motivated me to write the following with regard to the present moment.
"Besides Yoga, that which brings me to the moment is our garden. Whether on hands and knees, weeding, cutting back the dried seed heads which have fed the birds throughout the winter, adding a new plant to the flower beds or merely walking and observing, we truly experience life in its finest form. The warming moist soil yields an emergence of fresh green; petals of the Magnolia stellata now begin to unfold and with it brings forth a fragrance that fills the space around us; two turkeys comment to one another as they walk up and down the fence line, one on the outside, and the other in, until she finally relents and joins him; the earthworm aerates the soil adjacent to the snow pea seeds being planted; hummingbirds hasten return with velocity; and for a moment I take a deep breath and close my eyes as the sun appears and it warms my face."
Hmm. . . Do you think we are ready for our time in the garden?
Later in the morning as we drove down the hill toward town a few others were contemplating and demonstrating what spring has brought.
