... and yes,
it's cold outside, this morning past
the month of May. Okay, you would rather hear
The Temptations sing rather than someone adding to their lyrics, so I'll not sing anymore. . . but,
what can make me feel this way. . .
I couldn't help myself, for I just returned from an early walk in the garden. There is nothing quite like it, those feelings of such pleasure and joy, the peace and tranquility, the beauty and individuality of each flower. As I gaze upon the intricate and perfect design of each, repeatedly I ask myself,
how can anyone look at the complexity of each blossom and not believe there is a God?
Roses are in full bloom. . . the fragrance, well, you have heard
takes your breathe away. . . it
is so. Intoxicating is the delicate scent which embraces my every movement. It releases me for a moment but then returns its grasp as I move into another area.
The double deep pink of David Austins's beautiful Rosa
'Gertrude Jekyll' for me is the quintessential old rose fragrance which makes me stop and linger. . .

along with the rich deep red crimson
R. 'Wenlock'. Of the two I'm not sure which is my favorite, for together they rank among my top picks.

Not too visible is the deeper crimson
R. 'Prince' tucked below these two, but this cool pale apricot color of
R. 'St. Cecelia' (whose intoxicating scent makes me dream of lemons), holds a dominant position in our garden.

Selections are endless. . . the beauty and fragrance captivating. You might want to consider one of these for your garden. Visit the site for numerous selections.
http://www.davidaustinroses.comBut before we go in, one thing which always
stops me in my tracks.