There are times as these when many things take priority:
Family: What a joy it was to have our son visit this past week. Since he lives and works in Nashville, we have not had an opportunity to see him for several years. While he was here, we enjoyed hearing some of the new songs on which he is working, took him to a favorite place for a morning breakfast, had lunch at

a beautiful local winery, and of course I did what moms do when their son in visiting, prepare special evening meals. Thank you for taking the time to be with us, George. I miss you.
If you'd like to hear two of his recordings,
go here. He is still working on the other songs for his album.

On Saturday we attended our granddaughter's soccer game. It rained, the wind blew, and the air was cool, but finally we saw the sky. No, our kids didn't win the match, but they still played with dignity despite the exceptional local team.
Vegetables: Seeds were soaked overnight and placed in soil blocks yesterday: tomatoes, peppers, zucchini, eggplant... for it is that time of year.

More and

more seedlings have reared their little heads from beneath the mix and are requiring their own pots.
Things are growing leaps and bounds in the hoop house, and I do believe I'll harvest some of the larger leaves of kale and spinach. This is exciting since we used the last of the sauteed kale (frozen containers in the freezer) while George was here.

We added two more raised beds that are specially reserved for tomatoes, peppers and eggplants.
Taxes: Now we have the ever so dreaded tax period. As I've said in the past and will continue to espouse, nothing should take so much time and be so cumbersome. I guess it is about keeping the accounting industry and their lobbyists employed. Apology to daughter Kim who is a CPA.

Oh yes, and Sunday we had driving rains and a wind storm with gusts of 60 mph; hopefully our metal gazebo can be repaired, and cleanup around the property will take some time. Goodness, I still haven't trimmed all our roses yet.
The good news is that we are all doing well. Sadly, our hearts go out to Japan and her people. We are praying for their well being and send our many blessings.