One of the very best things about blogging and being a gardener is the information we share with one another, but another very best thing is being able to exchange the seed from our gardens. Since last fall I have mailed a number of you heirloom seeds that were saved from our summer vegetables.

A most recent exchange was with Meems (
Gardening in the Boroughs of NYC), and these are those I selected from her collection and received this past weekend: Melting Sugar Snow Pea, Chinese Mustard Greens and Cayenne Pepper.
Would you look at the lovely little seed envelopes she made from seed catalogs, and
here are instructions. Now that is clever and a great idea. Thank you, Meems.
PS: I still have heirloom tomato seeds, beans, hot peppers, cantaloupe, mizuna, tatsoi... should anyone like some.