... and I cannot tell you which I prefer most nor whether one brings more enjoyment than another.
The end of February blanket-of-white was short lived (since we get very little snow), and it disappeared almost as quickly as it arrived, but ever so calmly. The peace and tranquility of the winter garden offer time of reflection and rejuvenation. The intensity of growth is greatly diminished, yet the substance remains, and although the complexity is altered, blossoms and color continue.
Quiet and calm shift into a burgeoning period of fresh new and accelerated growth, a competitive nature of sorts. Who can be the first to find its way and emerge, to blossom, to flourish above the others and find its place in the sun? The fragrance, sights and sounds, the tremors of aliveness and excitement is sometimes overwhelming.

We will enjoy this view from now until very early spring, such time as we cut back those remarkable grasses and the cycle will begin once again.