Perhaps my favorite tomato last year, that is besides the small bite-sized Sun Gold which is always in our garden, was the Black Krim, a Russian tomato, and it will be in the garden this year too. Its flavor is the best I have eaten in many years, at least since I lived on the east coast and grew Beefsteak tomatoes. Pineapple is another wonderfully flavored tomato and unique in its red and yellow streaks. San Marzano Gigante is a new one we will try, a Roma but heftier in size. One of the varieties we tried last year was Black Plum: good flavor, a beautiful deep color, but its skin seemed tough to us... thus, we won't try that one again. Too many choices... too little time.
Broccoli and cauliflower, dill, fennel and beets, eggplant and kale, leeks,

Yesterday was such a beautiful day with the temperature around 50 degrees and quite conducive to raking and cutting back some of the perennials, but mid-morning first found us walking around the garden to determine where we would put a few more raised beds.
On the south side of the house and below the shade garden is what we call the iris holding area. Years ago we purchased a few specimen of Japanese Iris from a lady who was retiring; as they grew and needed to be divided, those that were not given to family and friends were placed here. In addition, some plants that hadn't been potted found their way into this area. It now appears to be the best spot for a few additional raised beds and especially since it is near the main vegetable garden. It's time to make a change and clear the area for more raised beds.