My husband and I had a wonderful New Year's eve: quiet conversation and a special bottle of wine to accompany our evening meal. How blessed we are and thankful as we raised our glass to family and friends. And I will admit that at 5 minutes past 9 pm pst, we were headed toward bed. After all, we had watched the ball drop at Times Square in New York and for us at this age, that was close enough.
This morning the sound of rain is no longer, and there it was, a birthday present for me... a break in the clouds. Now I can party all day long and especially since our granddaughter outed me on facebook a couple days ago with a countdown... my birthday is no longer a secret. At least she didn't tell how old I was. Megan, grandma still loves you. (I'm having a morning of chuckles.)
In case you missed it, the New Year Blue Moon

So what are my special plans for the day? So far it seems that answering the phone has been in order. My sister was the first to call, followed by my brother who in his very fine baritone sort of voice sang, Hap-py hap-py birth-day baaaa-by! and we laughed as we always do. I heard from one son and one by one our children will likely call; I received several beautiful e-cards from friends; and my husband brought me a bran muffin and a fresh cup of coffee. (He would have put a candle in it but then it wouldn't have been a surprise as he would have had to ask where I kept them. And now I'm laughing and bringing tears to my eyes... I get so tickled. I love that man.)
Pork, sauerkraut, mashed potatoes, applesauce and something green... will be the traditional meal of the day, and yes, I will cook for that is what I love and choose to do. The Gator Bowl and of course the Rose Bowl are on the agenda, and what is this I see... a blue sky!
Such beauty this first day of the year, and that we wish for you all year long.
And don't forget SkyWatch Friday for beautiful skies from around the world.
And don't forget SkyWatch Friday for beautiful skies from around the world.