Getting ready to travel takes some preparation for us. Perhaps it's a sign of the aging process, but we enjoy our comforts: for example, we like to take our own pillow; select the books that will accompany us; pack lightly; decide on a menu and prepare some of the items in advance. . . ah, and which special bottle or two of wine we will take. A continuation of our daily habits and routine no matter where we are generally yields a good result.
A checklist is made for the various meals, and a cooler will hold those perishable items:
Grind coffee beans and place in small baggies for each morning.
Breakfast Drink: soy milk, cinnamon, psyllium, whey protein powder, and fruit (banana & apple) in a blender with ice
Snacks: all bran apple and pear muffins that I baked yesterday, unsalted almonds. . .
Lunch: tuna salad, turkey slices (for another day), fresh cucumbers (in a diluted rice vinegar), fruit slices, whole wheat bread
Dinner: marinated Korean beef flank, a meat loaf, both uncooked, and a plan of finding some nice fresh seafood we can prepare.

We gathered together apples, pears and figs from cold storage, those fruits collected from the trees several weeks ago, and placed them in gallon storage bags. Additionally, some of the apples were cored and quartered and placed in a storage bag for snacks along the way.
Lemon pepper, a small jar of olive oil, a bit of fresh pepper and kosher salt - that's about all the seasoning we should need - a few remaining garden zucchini and squash for grilling, and by golly, I think we may be on our way.
We'll let you know how it goes.